Safeguarding Officer – Claire Runeckles. Bideford Town Band Trustees believes that all members within its organisation are entitled to participate in its activities in an enjoyable and safe environment. This especially applies to young people/children under the age of 18 years and also any vulnerable adults.
It is vitally important that;
• The welfare of the child/young person/vulnerable adult is paramount.
• That we ensure members participate in banding activities in a safe environment whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, sexual orientation or racial origin .
• That all reasonable steps are taken to protect them from harm, discrimination or degrading treatment and respect their rights, wishes, and failings at all times.
• Swiftly take action appropriately to all suspicions and allegations of poor practice or abuse.
To this end, the Band Trustees have appointed a Child Protection/Safeguarding Officer to act as a focal point and to advise the Band and all its members on procedures relating to Child Protection.
Our Child Protection & Safeguarding Officer is: Claire Runeckles
Child Protection Policies will be reviewed annually to ensure they are kept up to date.
If a more detailed description of forms of Child Protection/abuse and procedures are required an excellent website is provided by the British Federation of Brass Bands, although Bideford Town Band is not currently a member.